Thanks to the innovative accessories you can use with your iPhone 4, not only will you be able to use your Accessoires iphone to shoot great videos and take pictures, you can actually get professional-looking results.
Since there will surely be times you will need to zoom in for a shot, you will need a telescope attachment. This will allow you to get in for close shots without distorting the quality of the photo, keep things in crystal clear focus, and not compromise the resolution.
To keep photos and videos steady as can be, you need to invest in a tripod. There are several different types of tripod-like accessories that all work well and it's just a matter of personal preference in terms of what you like best.
Some of these accessories include:
The Glif allows you to move the iPhone 4 into various positions while keeping the shots steady. You can use tripods to take self-portraits or include yourself in photos with your friends and family. The Glif also allows you to prop up your iPhone 4 on a desk or tabletop for easy hands-free reading or working.
Zgrip / Phone Cradle
Lets you shoot professional-quality videos and enables you to adjust to any angle so you can always get the shot. This can also be used for photography. You can use the hand-held grip attachment, or set into cradle or tripod.
iPhone Tripod Holder
Offers a secure attachment for your iPhone 4 and is sturdy for steady shots.
Can be used as a tripod on a tabletop as it is small, but can also be used as a tabletop stand to hold your iPhone for viewing pictures or watching videos and/or movies.
A tripod that can be easily adjusted to capture any angle.
The last thing you want to do is run to of memory in the midst of a photo op, which is why you need the Memory Card Connector. Not only will you have enough memory to take every shot, you will have the capability to immediately share your picture and video files without the need to connect to a computer or run through a camera or other device.
You can add the Special Effects Lens which will let you get creative and try different shots. These detachable lenses showcase various effects such as a wide angle or fish eye effect.
Some of the accessories are a bit over the top for your average person, but someone who is really into photography might adore them. For example, there is an accessory known as the Owle Bubo, which completely transforms your iPhone into a camera. Seriously, you won't be able to recognize your iPhone! It has a full-size lens, built-in tripod points, added lighting and a microphone.
There is also a Factron Quattro Case, which is a high-end accessory that will give your iPhone a realistic "camera" look. The parts are sold separately for this option, so you can really customize your iPhone to your heart's delight!
After you're done playing with all of the photography accessories, be sure to check out the Photoshop Express iPhone application to process those professional quality pictures!
These are just some of the more popular photography accessories available for your use with the iPhone 4. You can truly turn your iPhone into that camera anyone and eveyone would love!
If photography is your passion, or you are the one everybody asks to take their picture, you will be pleased with the great videos and photos you will be able to create with your iPhone 4 photography accessories.